Bluff (aka 420, Challenge or doubt): Card Game for bluffers "Bluff is a Game to Play with All, Make your Scores on the Wall" Bluff (aka 420, Challenge
Bluff (aka 420, Challenge or doubt): Card Game for bluffers
"Bluff is a Game to Play with All, Make your Scores on the Wall"
Bluff (aka 420, Challenge or I doubt it) is a card game for bluffers to demonstrate their bluffing skills and enjoy the game at the same time. Interestingly, it is very easy to play and does not require the real card game knowledge. You can either play with machine players(bots) or invite friends to play the game. Winning games give you scores which can be placed in Leaderboard. (Leaderboard maintains the scores of the players playing bluff).
Playing Multiplayer Game
You can invite the friends in your google circle. Please note, the friends in your circle should have added you in their circle. Check game help for more details.
Game Features
- Multiplayer Support
- Leaderboard
- Machine players with good AI
- Game rules and help
- Configurable number of rounds and allowing challenge.
Planned Future Enhancements: Adding Levels, Aesthetic improvements.